In my thirty as an angler, I have held hundreds of catfishing rods. As with any other thing in life, there were good ones and bad ones. After so many years, I had a clear idea of what I expected from a high-quality catfishing rod. But the road from the original vision to reality tends to be long and strenuous.
Unbreakable, practical and made with state-of-the-art technologies and with a beautiful design. Those were the things that I wished to imprint on my rods. However, I would be lying if I said that I knew from the start how to achieve that. It took three years of research and development and trial and error. And mostly error, as it were the errors that helped me move forward the most as they gave me the freedom to experiment.
These rods were tested over the entire course of their development by experienced catfish anglers, who also contributed greatly to making the rods what they are today. It was my wish to ensure that whenever somebody used one of my rods, they would never want to use a different rod again. A rod that would be thin, light but incredibly strong. I am convinced we succeeded in our mission.